“Le solicito a todas las organizaciones de derechos humanos, partidos progresistas y organizaciones de trabajadores de Colombia y del mundo prestar atención a esta denuncia:
He escuchado a juristas destacados hablando de ruptura institucional en el caso del Canciller de la República, primero en la historia en ser suspendido. Solo he esperado que las delegaciones internacionales que vienen de EEUU y el Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas sean atendidas correctamente y nos oigan.
No he escuchado, en cambio, que haya una seria ruptura constitucional cuando la Fiscalía investiga al presidente de la República.
Se han allanado sindicatos, se ha torturado y se ha usado presiones sobre testigos para que se acuse al presidente y no han tenido éxito; desesperadamente sectores del narcotráfico, autores de delitos de lesa humanidad, políticos corruptos y sectores corruptos de la Fiscalía buscan la salida del presidente del cargo elegido por el pueblo.
Incluso hechos repetidos varias veces en campañas de otros partidos políticos como al que pertenece el fiscal general, y que han sido declarados legales anteriormente, en nuestro caso se criminalizan con desespero.
No es lo mismo la contribución a partidos políticos de un narcotraficante como alias “el Ñeñe” que la del sindicato de maestros; a la contribución de alias “el Ñeñe” la calificaron como legal, a la del sindicato de profesores la califican de ilegal porque somos progresistas.
Esta ruptura institucional ha llegado al máximo desespero, porque las mafias no quieren perder control de secciones enteras de la Fiscalía que he puesto en peligro por haber presentado una terna de mujeres decentes.
La respuesta desesperada será no solo suspender al Canciller de la República, sino procesar penalmente al presidente de Ecopetrol y al superintendente de Servicios Públicos por haber sido presidente del partido Colombia Humana. La Fiscalía pedirá mi juicio político sin ocultar que ha hecho investigación inconstitucional en mi contra, buscando el triunfo que el pueblo no les otorgó.
Como hicieron físicamente con la UP, ahora piensan, usando las instituciones, hacer lo mismo para que aparezca como la gran obra de despedida del fiscal general.
Han decidido la ruptura institucional. Como presidente de la República debo avisar al mundo de la toma mafiosa de la Fiscalía y debo solicitar al pueblo la máxima movilización popular por la decencia.
Aquí no se puede tumbar un presidente progresista, el primero en un siglo, porque legalmente un sindicato de trabajadores aportó a un partido de izquierda. Llego el momento de la expresión popular”.
Presidente de la República
2 de febrero de 2024
I request all the human rights organizations, progressive parties, and workers’ organizations in Colombia and across the world to be attentive on this public denounce:
I have listened to prominent jurists talking about an institutional breakdown, in the case of the Foreign Relations Minister, the first to be suspended. I only hope the international delegates coming from the United States and the U.N. Security Council to be attended properly and they can hear us.
Instead, I have not heard that there is a serious constitutional breakdown when the Prosecutor’s Office investigates the President of the Republic of Colombia.
Unions have been raided, torture and pressure have been applied over witnesses to accuse the President, unsuccessfully. Drug trafficking sectors, perpetrators of crimes against humanity, corrupt politicians and corrupt sectors within the Prosecutor’s Office desperately seek the President to be overthrown from his position, elected by the people.
Even similar cases happened several times in past campaigns of other political parties, such as the one the Prosecutor General belongs to, previously declared as legal, in our case are desperately criminalized.
It is not the same the contribution to a political party from a drug trafficker, such as alias ‘El Ñeñe’, as the one from the Teachers’ Union; the contribution from alias ‘El Ñeñe’ was called legal; the one from the Teachers’ Union is described as illegal because we are progressive.
This institutional breakdown has reached the maximum level of desperation, because mafias controlling entire sections within the Prosecutor’s Office do not want to lose control of them, and I have put them in danger by appointing three decent women as candidates.
Their desperate response will not only be the suspension of the Foreign Relations Minister, but also prosecuting the President of Ecopetrol (Colombia’s public oil company), and the superintendent of Public Services, for serving as president of our political party, Colombia Humana.
The Prosecutor’s Office will request my impeachment, without hiding they have carried out an unconstitutional investigation against me, seeking the victory the people did not grant them.
As they physically did in the past with the members of Union Patriotica party, now, using the State institutions, they plan to do the same, so that can be shown as the great farewell of the Prosecutor General.
They have decided an institutional breakdown. As President of Colombia, I must warn the world the mafia takeover of the Prosecutor’s Office, and I must request the people the biggest popular mobilization for decency.
A progressive President, the first in a century, cannot be overthrown here (in Colombia), arguing a teachers’ union legally contributed to a left-wing party. The time has come for the popular expression.
President of Colombia
February 2nd, 202